Yining She

Software and Societal Systems Department • School of Computer Science • Carnegie Mellon University


Office: TCS Hall, Room 313

Email: yiningsh at cs.cmu.edu

I am a second-year PhD student in Software Engineering at Software and Societal Systems Department, Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Dr. Eunsuk Kang. My research interests are mainly in the intersection of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. I want to leverage SE techniques to help design safe and reliable AI systems, as well as investigate new applications of AI for software development.

My recent work focuses on analyzing long-term fairness issuesd in ML-enabled systems, and utilizing LLM to extract formal model from source code.

Before joining CMU, I received my bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science at ShanghaiTech University, where I worked with Dr. Zhihao Jiang at Human-Cyber-Physical Systems Lab.

If you are interested in my research and collaboration, please feel free to reach out.

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